Building capacity

The impact of dialogue and advocacy in Kenya

Business membership organisations, policy makers, academics and others are interested in whether dialogue and advocacy makes any difference to public policy. In Kenya, the Business Advocacy Fund supported BMOs for 15 years from 2007 till 2020 through a combination of training, mentoring and grant aid to engage in dialogue and advocacy.

Project completion report

Final report front cover
Final report back cover


The Fund made a point of attempting to assess the impact made by the BMOs and projects that it supported. In many cases, the Fund published Impact Assesssments; in some cases it published cost benefit analyses; it published summaries of impact; and annual reports always carried some examples of success and impact. Although the Business Advocacy Fund is no longer operating, you can access those reports here.

Summaries of impact

The Business Advocacy Fund took seriously the need to assess impact arising from the hard work of the BMOs that it supported. Not every project was specficially intended to result in financial or ecconomic benefit though all can be interpreted in that way, even the health policy reforms, if so desired. The two summaries of impact showcase advocacy projects from the first two phases of BAF, 2006-2011 and 2012-2016.

Impact assessment
BAF case studies: key wins for Kenya's Business Member Organisations: These case studies highlight the important role dialogue and advocacy plays in sustainable economic development.
Impact assessment
BAF case studies: key wins for Kenya's Business Member Organisations: These case studies were selected from over 145 reforms of policy, legislation and regulation secured by BMOs at national and county level.
Impact assessment
BAF case studies: key wins for Kenya's Business Member Organisations: The third impact assessment report focuses on 10 projects undertaken between 2016 and 2020.

Impact assessment reports

It is not surprising, given the continued reliance of agriculture on the economy of Kenya that many of the reforms are related to agriculture.

Impact assessment
Warehouse Receipt System: A well implemented warehouse system can reduce post-harvest losses and enhance farmers' ability to raise finance secured on produce not yet sold.
Impact assessment
Reform of the seed & plant varieties act: has made a big difference to farmers through allowing an easier approval system for new plant varieties.
Impact assessment
Creating a Veterinary Medicines Directorate: and separating the regulation of veterinary medicines and human medicines.
Impact assessment
Reforming tax on the local manufacture of pesticides: to avoid the perverse discrepancy that imported pesticides were cheaper simlply because they were taxed less.

The next four impact studies review cases where the BMO was seeking new legislation or was aiming to amend or avert proposals made by government to reform legislation.

Impact assessment
The influence of business associations on legislation: There is not an impact study but we wrote in detail about the sucess of the Kenya Society of Physiotherapists in an academic paper.
Impact assessment
Mining & regulatory reform: KCM pushed for a new Mining Act and then worked hard to secure considerable amendment to the Government's proposals.
Impact assessment
Cooperative policy & legislation: KUSSCO aimed to avert proposals to amend legislation ahead of the adoption of a new national cooperatives policy.
Impact assessment
Energy policy & legislation: PIEA worked to amend proposals from the government to reform and update the Energy Act.

The last three impact studies cover the effort by the Vihiga branch of KNCCI to persude the county to abide by national legislation when raising revenue, a good example of administrative reform and local legislation to improve the management of a livestock market.

Impact assessment
KNCCI Vihiga: enabling county revenue raising legislation: This was teh first of many successes to persuade Cunty legislatures to put in place the appropriate legislation to raise revenue.
Impact assessment
The commercial law benchbook: Not reform to regulation per se, but an effective means of ensuring that judges are all aware of the law relating to commerce so that they can apply more consistently.
Impact assessment
Isiolo Goods Yard Act: KLMC delivered new public private partnership arrangements in 37 markets across 15 (out of 16 targeted) Local Government Authorities.

Three end of project evaluations, including assessments of impact, were prepared during the first phase of BAF

Impact assessment
Fresh Produce Exporters' Asspciation of Kenya: and their initial effort to ensure tariff free access to the EU.
Impact assessment
Matatu Owners' Association and their desire to implement the National Raod Safety Action Plan.

Cost benefit analyses

As well as undertaking impact assessments, BAF undertook a small number of cost benefit analyses. Two of these are particularly interesting since they featured advocacy with other jurisdictions in addition to the Government of Kenya. The most successful project, in terms of impact on the economy, was that of ACTIF

Impact assessment
Promoting tariff free access for apparel to the United States: through seeking US support to amend the terms of the US AGOA legislation.
Impact assessment
Promoting tariff free access for horticulture to Europe: in which FPEAK and others sought agreement from GoK and the European Commission to an interim Economic Partnership Agreement.

One impact assessment was prepared in advance of legislative reform as part of the effort to persuade the government

Impact assessment
Towards a sustainable blood service: which argues that the value of a life is much higher than the additional cost of ensuring an adequate supply of blood for transfusion.
Impact assessment
Improving the environment for mining: which followed the preparation of the impact study available above.

Annual reports

Annual report
Annual report 2019 (including case studies of TESPOK, ArchAK, EAGC & warehouse receipts, KSIA, KUSSCo and county finance).
Annual report
Annual report 2018 (including case studies of KAM & counterfeits, KNCCI Vihiga, SCEA, KARA, EAGC & hermetic storage and RETRAK).

Annual report 2017 (including case studies of AgroAK, KHPS, KAHC, ISK, KARA and KSP).

Annual report 2016 (including case studies of KCPA, KATO, AIN, KAM & county revenue laws, KARA and KAHC).